
Create a Meraki REST API wrapper for the switch port ressource. See the online documentation for more information.

const apiKey = 'secret meraki api key'
const organizationId = 'meraki organization id'
const version = 'v0'
const target = 'n12'
const basePath = `/${target}/${version}/devices`
const rateLimiter = {
 enabled: true
const portEndpoints = require('./lib/rest/ports')({ apiKey, target, basePath, baseUrl, rateLimiter })
Name Type Attributes Default Description
apiKey string <optional>

The Meraki api key

target string <optional>

The Meraki target

basePath string <optional>

The Meraki base path for the switch port ressource

rateLimiter string

The rate limiter (bottleneck) configuration

logger object <optional>

Logger to use if logging is enabled


The initialized Meraki REST API wrapper for the switch port ressource



(static) listSwitchPorts(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, deviceSerial) → {Promise}


List the switch ports for a switch.


Example response

    "number": 1,
    "name": "my port",
    "tags": "dorm-room limited",
    "enabled": true,
    "type": "access",
    "vlan": 10,
    "voiceVlan": 20,
    "poeEnabled": true,
    "isolationEnabled": false,
    "rstpEnabled": true,
    "stpGuard": "disabled",
    "accessPolicyNumber": "asdf1234",
    "linkNegotiation": "Auto negotiate"
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

deviceSerial string

The serial of the device for which to list the switch ports


A promise holding the switch ports of this device


(static) showSwitchPort(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, deviceSerial, number) → {Promise}


Return a switch port.


Example response

  "number": 1,
  "name": "my port",
  "tags": "dorm-room limited",
  "enabled": true,
  "type": "access",
  "vlan": 10,
  "voiceVlan": 20,
  "poeEnabled": true,
  "isolationEnabled": false,
  "rstpEnabled": true,
  "stpGuard": "disabled",
  "accessPolicyNumber": "asdf1234",
  "linkNegotiation": "Auto negotiate"
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

deviceSerial string

The serial of the device for which to list the switch ports

number number

The number of the switch port for which to show the details


A promise holding the details of this switch port


(static) updateSwitchPort(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, deviceSerial, number, name, tags, enabled, type, vlan, voiceVlan, allowedVlans, poeEnabled, isolationEnabled, rstpEnabled, stpGuard, accessPolicyNumber, linkNegotiation) → {Promise}


Update a switch port.


Example response

  "number": 1,
  "name": "my port",
  "tags": "dorm-room limited",
  "enabled": true,
  "type": "access",
  "vlan": 10,
  "voiceVlan": 20,
  "poeEnabled": true,
  "isolationEnabled": false,
  "rstpEnabled": true,
  "stpGuard": "disabled",
  "accessPolicyNumber": "asdf1234",
  "linkNegotiation": "Auto negotiate"
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

deviceSerial string

The serial of the device for which to list the switch ports

number number

The number of the switch port to update

name string

The name of the switch port

tags string

The tags of the switch port

enabled boolean

The status of the switch port

type string

The type of the switch port (access or trunk)

vlan number

The VLAN of the switch port

voiceVlan number

The voice VLAN of the switch port. Only applicable to access ports

allowedVlans Array

The VLANs allowed on the switch port. Only applicable to trunk ports

poeEnabled boolean

The PoE status of the switch port

isolationEnabled boolean

The isolation status of the switch port

rstpEnabled boolean

The rapid spanning tree protocol status

stpGuard string

The state of the STP guard (disabled, Root guard, BPDU guard, Loop guard)

accessPolicyNumber string

The number of the access policy of the switch port. Only applicable to access ports

linkNegotiation string

The link speed for the switch port


A promise holding the updated switch port
