
Create a Meraki REST API wrapper for the SSID ressource. See the online documentation for more information.

const apiKey = 'secret meraki api key'
const organizationId = 'meraki organization id'
const version = 'v0'
const target = 'n12'
const basePath = `/${target}/${version}/networks`
const rateLimiter = {
 enabled: true
const ssidEndpoints = require('./lib/rest/ssids')({ apiKey, target, basePath, baseUrl, rateLimiter })
Name Type Attributes Default Description
apiKey string <optional>

The Meraki api key

target string <optional>

The Meraki target

basePath string <optional>

The Meraki base path for the SSID ressource

rateLimiter string

The rate limiter (bottleneck) configuration

logger object <optional>

Logger to use if logging is enabled


The initialized Meraki REST API wrapper for the SSID ressource



(static) listNetworkSSIDs(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, networkId) → {Promise}


List the SSIDs in a network.


Example response

Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

networkId string

The id of the network for which to list the SSIDs


A promise holding the SSIDs for this network


(static) showNetworkSSID(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, networkId, ssidNumber) → {Promise}


Return a single SSID.


Example response

  "splashPage":"Click-through splash page",
  "ipAssignmentMode":"NAT mode",
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

networkId string

The id of the network for which to list the SSIDs

ssidNumber number

The number of the SSID to show


A promise holding the details of this SSID


(static) updateNetworkSSID(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, networkId, ssidNumber, name, enabled, authMode, encryptionMode, psk, wpaEncryptionMode, splashPage, radiusServers, radiusCoaEnabled, radiusAccountingEnabled, radiusAccountingServers, ipAssignmentMode, useVlanTagging, concentratorNetworkId, vlanId, defaultVlanId, apTagsAndVlanIds, walledGardenEnabled, walledGardenRanges, minBitrate, bandSelection, perClientBandwidthLimitUp, perClientBandwidthLimitDown) → {Promise}


Update the attributes of an SSID.


Example request data

  "name": "new SSID name",
  "enabled": true,
  "authMode": "psk",
  "encryptionMode": "wpa",
  "psk": "abcd1234",
  "ipAssignmentMode": "Bridge mode"

Example response

  "splashPage":"Click-through splash page",
  "ipAssignmentMode":"NAT mode",
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

networkId string

The id of the network for which to list the SSIDs

ssidNumber number

The number of the SSID to update

name string

The name of an SSID

enabled boolean

Whether or not an SSID is enabled

authMode string

The association control method for the SSID (open, psk, open-with-radius, 8021x-meraki, 8021x-radius)

encryptionMode string

The psk encryption mode for the SSID (wpa, wep, wpa-eap)

psk string

The passkey for the SSID. This param is only valid if the authMode is psk

wpaEncryptionMode string

The types of WPA encryption. (WPA1 and WPA2, WPA2 only)

splashPage string

The type of splash page for the SSID (None, Click-through splash page, Billing, Password-protected with Meraki RADIUS, Password-protected with custom RADIUS, Password-protected with Active Directory, Password-protected with LDAP, SMS authentication, Systems Manager Sentry, Facebook Wi-Fi). This attribute is not supported for template children

radiusServers Object

The RADIUS 802.1x servers to be used for authentication. This param is only valid if the authMode is open-with-radius or 8021x-radius

Name Type Description
host string

Ip address of RADIUS server

port number

UPD port of the RADIUS server listens on for Acess-requests

secret string

RADIUS client shared secret

radiusCoaEnabled boolean

If true, Meraki devices will act as a RADIUS Dynamic Authorization Server and will respond to RADIUS Change-of-Authorization and Disconnect messages sent by the RADIUS server

radiusAccountingEnabled boolean

Whether or not RADIUS accounting is enabled. This param is only valid if the authMode is open-with-radius or 8021x-radius

radiusAccountingServers Object

The RADIUS accounting 802.1x servers to be used for authentication. This param is only valid if the authMode is open-with-radius or 8021x-radius and radiusAccountingEnabled is true

Name Type Description
host string

IP address to which the APs will send RADIUS accounting messages

port number

Port on the RADIUS server that is listening for accounting messages

secret string

Shared key used to authenticate messages between the APs and RADIUS server

ipAssignmentMode string

The client IP assignment mode (NAT mode, Bridge mode, Layer 3 roaming, Layer 3 roaming with a concentrator, VPN)

useVlanTagging boolean

Direct trafic to use specific VLANs. This param is only valid with Bridge mode and Layer 3 roaming

concentratorNetworkId string

The concentrator to use for Layer 3 roaming with a concentrator or VPN

vlanId number

The VLAN ID used for VLAN tagging. This param is only valid with Layer 3 roaming with a concentrator and VPN

defaultVlanId number

The default VLAN ID used for all other APs. This param is only valid with Bridge mode and Layer 3 roaming

apTagsAndVlanIds Array

The list of tags and VLAN IDs used for VLAN tagging. This param is only valid with Bridge mode, Layer 3 roaming

Name Type Description
tags string

Comma-separated list of AP tags

vlanId number

Numerical identifier that is assigned to the VLAN

walledGardenEnabled boolean

Allow access to a configurable list of IP ranges, which users may access prior to sign-on

walledGardenRanges string

Specify your walled garden by entering space-separated addresses and ranges using CIDR notation (e.g. Meraki's splash page is automatically included in your walled garden

minBitrate number

The minimum bitrate in Mbps. (1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54)

bandSelection string

The client-serving radio frequencies. (Dual band operation, 5 GHz band only, Dual band operation with Band Steering)

perClientBandwidthLimitUp number

The upload bandwidth limit in Kbps. (0 represents no limit.)

perClientBandwidthLimitDown number

The download bandwidth limit in Kbps. (0 represents no limit.)


A promise holding the updated SSID
