
Create a Meraki REST API wrapper for the mx-l3-firewall ressource. See the online documentation for more information.

const apiKey = 'secret meraki api key'
const organizationId = 'meraki organization id'
const version = 'v0'
const target = 'n12'
const basePath = `/${target}/${version}/network`
const rateLimiter = {
 enabled: true
const mxL3FirewallEndpoints = require('./lib/rest/mxL3Firewall')({ apiKey, target, basePath, baseUrl, rateLimiter })
Name Type Attributes Default Description
apiKey string <optional>

The Meraki api key

target string <optional>

The Meraki target

basePath string <optional>

The Meraki base path for the mx-l3-firewall ressource

baseUrl string <optional>

The Meraki base url for the ressource

rateLimiter string

The rate limiter (bottleneck) configuration

logger object <optional>

Logger to use if logging is enabled


The initialized Meraki REST API wrapper for the mx-l3-firewall ressource



(static) listMxL3FirewallRules(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, networkId) → {Promise}


List the L3 firewall rules for a MX network.


Example response

    "comment": "Allow TCP traffic to subnet with HTTP servers.",
    "policy": "allow",
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destPort": 443,
    "destCidr": "",
    "srcPort": "Any",
    "srcCidr": "Any",
    "syslogEnabled": false
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

networkId string

The id of the MX network for which to list the L3 firewall rules


A promise holding the L3 firewall rules this MX network


(static) updateMxL3FirewallRule(apiKeyopt, targetopt, scopeopt, networkId, rules, syslogDefaultRuleopt) → {Promise}


Update the L3 firewall rules of an MX network. Pass an empty array to remove all rules but the default rule. If the network is bound to a template you have to pass the template id instead of the network id.


Example request data

  "comment": "Allow TCP traffic to subnet with HTTP servers.",
  "policy": "allow",
  "protocol": "tcp",
  "destPort": 443,
  "destCidr": "",
  "srcPort": "Any",
  "srcCidr": "Any",
  "syslogEnabled": false

Example response

    "comment": "Allow TCP traffic to subnet with HTTP servers.",
    "policy": "allow",
    "protocol": "tcp",
    "destPort": 443,
    "destCidr": "",
    "srcPort": "Any",
    "srcCidr": "Any",
    "syslogEnabled": false
Name Type Attributes Description
apiKey string <optional>

Optional custom apiKey for this request (if not set will take the inital apiKey)

target string <optional>

Optional custom target for this request (if not set will take the inital target)

scope string <optional>

Optional custom scope for rate limiter

networkId string

The id of the MX network for which to list the L3 firewall rules

rules array
Name Type Attributes Description
comment string <optional>

Description of the rule

policy string

'Allow' or 'Deny' traffic specified by this rule

protocol string

The type of protocol (must be 'tcp', 'udp', 'icmp' or 'any')

srcPort string

Comma-separated list of source port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'

srcCidr string

Comma-separated list of source IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), or 'any' (note: FQDN not supported for source addresses)

destPort string

Comma-separated list of destination port(s) (integer in the range 1-65535), or 'any'

destCidr string

Comma-separated list of destination IP address(es) (in IP or CIDR notation), fully-qualified domain names (FQDN) or 'any'

syslogEnabled string

Log this rule to syslog (true or false, boolean value) - only applicable if a syslog has been configured (optional)

syslogDefaultRule boolean <optional>

Log the special default rule (boolean value - enable only if you've configured a syslog server)


A promise holding the updated L3 firewall rules this MX network
